What is actually happening in a KAP class?

I have been trained in Dr. Morris's flexible, playful Kundalini Awakening practices, which use synergistic cultivation of proprioception, interoception, sensation, emotion, breath, relaxation, arousal, movement, attitude, stillness, to lovingly awaken, interconnect, and integrate awareness and Kundalini throughout the physical and subtle bodies, building context and understanding of how to smoothly access, and navigate between, different states of consciousness and modes of embodiment.

Dr. Morris's system is all about personal agency and freedom, balanced management, and expanded expression of one's own body-personality-energy, while realizing the deeper nature of awareness (Self/ Buddhist Non-Self).

External facilitation of Kundalini, such as attending a KAP class use combination of any number of the following techniques:

1) Music chosen to induce relaxation, trance, and heightened sensation that moves with the music

2) Energy manipulation techniques drawn from Polarity Therapy used to polarize energy across the body, and create pulse and pull dynamics and accompanying sensation.

3) Neo-tantric orgasmic energy "flossing," drawing energy and sensation back and forth between sacral and throat chakras along the front channel/conception vessel, the caressing friction of which produces pleasure, body waves, and/or energy orgasms - this element is an explicit manipulation of sexual energy, (not specifically kundalini) **although please note I do not manipulate sexual energy in my KAP classes.

4) Mesmeric hand passes, used to create buildup of energy and a subsequent crisis/cathartic release.

5) Dilation of what Osteopathy in the Cranial Field refers to as the "Fluid Body" experience, to facilitate lubricated transformations of muscle-holding patterns and mental-emotional complexes

6)The setting of Pavlovian/Ericksonian/NLP tactile and auditory "anchors" that can be triggered by sound and sensation to re-induce the above states with greater ease

7) Traditional Saktipat (and in some cases, Sivopat), where the facilitator arouses their own kundalini energy (or a non-dual state in the case of Sivopat)  then passes it to the recipient, via harmonic resonance (like a tuning fork setting off another neighboring tuning fork of the same note), or by passing a current of kundalini from body to body, or by creating an energized ball of kundalini-energized prana or non-dual resonance-energized prana, and "seeding" it into the other person...

If applied with empathy and ethics, and a clearly defined container of expectations and behaviors, the above facilitation can result in healing as well as pleasure, and kinetic kundalini.

Please note that my personal Serpentine Kundalini Awakening classes use a combination of  both internal kundalini cultivation techniques as well as external facilitation of Kundalini and shaktipat.

It is my firm belief that Kundalini is yours to awaken. It is your personal power and completely within your potential to awaken and stabilize your Kundalini awakening experience, and my role is to support and guide your own awakening, rather than being the source of your awakening itself.

I would guide you to be very mindful of any teacher or system that does not place the power of awakening in your hands, or leads you to believe that this is a top down transmission that requires you to be dependent on the teacher for Kundalini experiences. 


The three states of Kundalini


How do I choose a Kundalini teacher?