Erin’s entire life has been an initiation into her personal power, her sexuality, and her spirituality.
The most devastating, life altering events of Erin’s life have ultimately led her to where she is now by stripping her of every single identity, comfort, safety and security that she has ever known. By acknowledging, accepting and loving these parts of herself as the truth of who she was called to be, it taught her the power of forgiveness, showed her that she is not a victim, and put her on an empowered spiritual path with no return. These events were ultimately a gift in her life journey and her mission now is to heal and empower others to alleviate the pain and baggage they carry so they too can step into a life of alignment and purpose. The courage to no longer deny her needs to be of service to others was the beginning of her evolution to a life of complete alignment as a Coach and Teacher.
Erin is a Coach, Healer, Teacher living in Bali who dedicates her work to guiding women on the path of healing and empowerment. Over the last ten years, she has helped numerous clients discover and understand their unique alignment through life altering lessons in sexuality, spirituality and self love. Erin’s unique perspectives, beliefs and ideas stem from her own radical healing journey overcoming deep emotional pain, abuse and addiction, as well as her mentorship from world class teachers.
When everything Erin knew and believed was called into question about what it meant to be successful, collect achievements and make others proud doing all the things a good woman should do, her identity crumbled and her immense healing journey began. Her successful, secure and comfortable life in Melbourne, as well as her 12 year marriage collapsed, but her innate tenacity, fighting spirit and courageous commitment to never settle for anything less than her call to purpose led her on a nomadic life around the world and ultimately to where she is today.
Knowing what is possible for anyone, no matter their current life circumstances, Erin helps her audience see beyond their limitations, and create a life of pure potential.
Erin’s relentless pursuit of purpose, overcoming extreme hardships to change the world with these lessons, and her complete and utter trust in spirit to align to this path is what makes her an exceptional coach today.
“Erin helps her audience see beyond their limitations, and create a life of pure potential.”
In addition to deep transformative work with her clients, Erin continues to share her gifts, experiences and messages with the world through kundalini awakening classes, speaking events, guest course teaching, podcast interviews and company development programs creating brand new conversations that are unheard of in the world at this time to lead people on an amazing journey.
If you’re ready to transform your life on every single level and believe that you’re being called to this change, it is absolutely worth it. The transformation happens from the second you say yes.